Swellendam, Overberg District, Western Cape, South Africa

(028) 514-23... SHOW
Excelsior Koshuis verskaf huisvesting en seuns en dogters van gred 1 - 12 en sten algemeen bekend as een van die beste skoolkoshuise in die Wes-Kep. Der is 40 leerders in die koshuis onder die sorg van mnr. R Janse van Rensburg, die superintendent. Die koshuis verskaf akkommodasie slegs gedurende die week. Losiesgeld is vooruitbetelber en kan jerliks, kwartelliks of mendeliks betel word. 'n ensoekvorm vir huisvesting in die koshuis is by die skool beskikber. Die voltooide vorm moet by die skool ingehandig word. Ouers is egter enige tyd welkom om die superintendent te skakel indien u meer inligting wil hź of die koshuis wil besigtig. Die kontaknommer vir Excelsior Koshuis is (028) 514 2305.
Boarding Schools, Secondary Schools
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Southern Suburbs, Cape Town, Cape Metropole, Western Cape, South Africa

(021) 689-87... SHOW
The JE De Villiers House Boarding Establishment re-opened its doors to SACS Junior boarders in January 2010. The Boarding House offers its boarders an excellent opportunity to learn valuable life skills within a structured and organized environment. The Boarding House aims to create an atmosphere of trust, respect, tolerance and co-operation. Boarders are encouraged to embrace these values as they seek to become independent and to build friendships for life. Activities are always fun and supervised ‘prep’ sessions help the boys to take greater control over their studies. Those boys who have spent time at the House agree that the challenging adventure helped to improve their levels of self-discipline and personal responsibility. General points to note: The boarders are catered for in spacious dorms which contain a bed, desk, bookcase and cupboard. The in-house caterers provide nutritious food. Boarders are required to go home on weekends. In selecting applicants...
Boarding Schools
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Mossel Bay, Garden Route District, Western Cape, South Africa

(044) 691-22... SHOW
Since 1921, Point High School has been known as one of the leading high schools in the area. We strive to contribute positively to every learner's academic and personal development. Hoėrskool Punt is trots om die skool met die mooiste seeuitsig in die land te wees! Ons is 'n dinamiese, gedissiplineerde opvoedkundige organisasie wer elke persoon sy / her unieke potensiel met trots kan uitleef.
Boarding Schools, Secondary Schools
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City Bowl, Cape Town, Cape Metropole, Western Cape, South Africa

(021) 461-10... SHOW
St Cyprian's High School is a busy, vibrant and dynamic place. There are many opportunities for young girls to explore interests, uncover hidden talents, establish life-long friendships and taste the sweet taste of success through personal and social development. The academic journey at this phase is defined by a values-driven relational culture and, extraordinary teachers work collaboratively towards the shared vision: to nurture curiosity, build creativity, encourage independence and a strong sense of self in relation to others and the world. We acknowledge the complexity and uncertainty of accelerating change and focus on preparing our students for what is now known as the "Conceptual Age. " In addition to a technologically integrated academic programme, we consciously strive to develop a design thinking methodology to real-world problems, and an entrepreneurial mindset that shapes creators of opportunities rather than consumers of resources...
Boarding Schools, Private Schools, Secondary Schools
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Sasolburg, Fezile Dabi District, Free State, South Africa

(016) 976-05... SHOW
Double medium high school.
Boarding Schools
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Pretoria North East, Pretoria, Tshwane, Gauteng, South Africa

(012) 804-83... SHOW
The staff of Cornerstone College are committed to the pursuit of excellence. We believe in quality, progressive education which aims at the development of responsible young people who are fully equipped for success: academically, physically, spiritually and morally.
Boarding Schools
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Phuthaditjhaba, Thabo Mofutsanyana District, Free State, South Africa

(058) 713-66... SHOW
Boarding Schools
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Welkom, Lejweleputswa District, Free State, South Africa

(057) 352-37... SHOW
Boarding Schools
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Bloemfontein, Mangaung Metro, Free State, South Africa

(051) 436-30... SHOW
Boarding Schools, Schools & Training
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Bethlehem, Thabo Mofutsanyana District, Free State, South Africa

(058) 303-53... SHOW
Boarding Schools
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Bethlehem, Thabo Mofutsanyana District, Free State, South Africa

(058) 303-48... SHOW
Laerskool Truida Kestell in Bethlehem Suid-Vrystet is 'n skool met trotse tradisie, Christelike werdes en 'n strewe na prestasie op alle vlakke wat die skool bied.
Boarding Schools
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Tweespruit, Thabo Mofutsanyana District, Free State, South Africa

(051) 963-00... SHOW
Agricultural Schools, Boarding Schools
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Hennenman, Lejweleputswa District, Free State, South Africa

(057) 573-11... SHOW
Welkom by HSH!
Boarding Schools
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Rustenburg, Bojanala Platinum District, North West, South Africa

(014) 537-22... SHOW
Boarding Schools
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Bloemfontein, Mangaung Metro, Free State, South Africa

(051) 444-15... SHOW
Grey Kollege is in 1855 deur Sir George Grey gestig. Dit is die oudste skool noord van die Garieprivier, en die derde-oudste skool in Suid-Afrika. Grey streef derna om elke Grey-seun met die nodige lewensverdighede, kennis en ervaring toe te rus om in 'n goed-gebalanseerde en suksesvolle volwassene te ontwikkel.... Grey College was founded by Sir George Grey in 1855. This is the oldest school north of the Gariep River, and the third-oldest school in South Africa. Grey College strives to equip every Grey boy with the life skills, knowledge and experience that will enable him to develop into a well-balanced, successful adult.
Boarding Schools, Secondary Schools
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