Calitzdorp, Central Karoo District, Western Cape, South Africa

(044) 213-33... SHOW
Nederduitse Gereformeerde (NG Kerk) - Wes-en-Suid-Kepland Sinode
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Laingsburg, Central Karoo District, Western Cape, South Africa

(023) 551-10... SHOW
Nederduitse Gereformeerde (NG Kerk) - Wes-en-Suid-Kepland Sinode
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Murraysburg, Central Karoo District, Western Cape, South Africa

(049) 844-00... SHOW
Nederduitse Gereformeerde (NG Kerk) - Oos-Kepland Sinode
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Beaufort West, Central Karoo District, Western Cape, South Africa

(023) 414-37... SHOW
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Ladismith, Central Karoo District, Western Cape, South Africa

(028) 551-12... SHOW
Nederduitse Gereformeerde (NG Kerk) - Wes-en-Suid-Kepland Sinode
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Beaufort West, Central Karoo District, Western Cape, South Africa

(023) 414-28... SHOW
Nederduitse Gereformeerde (NG Kerk) - Wes-en-Suid-Kepland Sinode
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Ladismith, Central Karoo District, Western Cape, South Africa

(028) 581-20... SHOW
Nederduitse Gereformeerde (NG Kerk) - Wes-en-Suid-Kepland Sinode
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Leeu-Gamka, Central Karoo District, Western Cape, South Africa

(023) 521-20... SHOW
Nederduitse Gereformeerde (NG Kerk) - Wes-en-Suid-Kepland Sinode
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Beaufort West, Central Karoo District, Western Cape, South Africa

(072) 274-13... SHOW
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Prince Albert, Central Karoo District, Western Cape, South Africa

(023) 541-15... SHOW
Nederduitse Gereformeerde (NG Kerk) - Wes-en-Suid-Kepland Sinode
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Ladismith, Central Karoo District, Western Cape, South Africa

(028) 561-13... SHOW
The Anglican community in Southern Africa seeks to be: Anchored in the love of Christ, Committed to God's Mission, Transformed by the Holy Spirit.
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Beaufort West, Central Karoo District, Western Cape, South Africa

(023) 414-23... SHOW
Die NG gemeente Beaufort-Wes, gestig op 16 Mei 1820, is die negende oudste gemeente van die Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk in die Sinode van Wes-en-Suid-Kepland en die 12de oudste in die hele Kerk. Hoewel die NG gemeente Somerset-Wes reeds in 1819 gestig is, word Beaufort-Wes se stigtingsdatum tradisioneel as 1819 engegee en was die gemeente, toe gemeentes tot die middel jare 70 chronologies volgens stigtingsdatum in die Jerboek van die NG Kerke gelys is, altyd die negende gemeente van die Kepse Sinode met Somerset-Wes 10de. Van Beaufort-Wes het ses dogtergemeentes afgestig: Prins Albert (1842), Victoria-Wes (1843), Fraserburg (1851), Carnarvon (1874) (wervan afgestig is: Prieska, Williston, Kenhardt, Upington en gedeeltes van Vosburg, Loxton en Brandvlei [1] ) en op 22 Junie 1949 sowel Gamkavallei as Gamka-Oos op Beaufort-Wes self.
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Beaufort West, Central Karoo District, Western Cape, South Africa

(023) 414-28... SHOW
Nederduitse Gereformeerde (NG Kerk) - Wes-en-Suid-Kepland Sinode
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Beaufort West, Central Karoo District, Western Cape, South Africa

(023) 415-22... SHOW
The Anglican community in Southern Africa seeks to be: Anchored in the love of Christ, Committed to God's Mission, Transformed by the Holy Spirit.
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Laingsburg, Central Karoo District, Western Cape, South Africa

(023) 551-19... SHOW
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