OVK Purchases - Packaging Material
South Africa
South Africa
Ladybrand, South Africa
OVK - An agricultural enterprise creating prosperity.
Category: Agricultural Co-Ops
Links: OVK Head OfficeReviews
Ladybrand, Thabo Mofutsanyana District, Free State, South Africa
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OVK Purchases - Outdoor Products and Hunting
Ladybrand, South Africa
Ladybrand, South Africa
OVK - An agricultural enterprise creating prosperity.
OVK Grain - Marseilles Silo
Ladybrand, South Africa
Ladybrand, South Africa
The Grain Department of OVK offers an all-inclusive service to grain-producers. Apart from the handling of grain OVK also provides clients with expert advice on grain-marketing. Services at the silos comprise of the following: - Grain-storage on behalf of producers, buyers and storage customers; - Drying of wet grain; - Screening and cleaning grain of poisonous seeds and inferior kernels; - Sagging of grain; - Compliance with food security standards
OVK Purchases - Stock Feeding Products
Ladybrand, South Africa
Ladybrand, South Africa
OVK - An agricultural enterprise creating prosperity.
OVK Client Finance - Ladybrand
Ladybrand, South Africa
Ladybrand, South Africa
The main purpose of the OVK Client Financing Department is to provide credit facilities to clients to enable them to benefit from all the other products and services available to OVK clients. Any South African citizen can apply for financing with OVK and all applications are dealt with on merit. A variety of financing products are available: *Monthly accounts *Production accounts (summer, winter, 3-, 6-, 9- or 12 months) . *Hire-purchase account (new or second-hand vehicles and equipment) *Term loans (livestock, lime, fencing material, precision farming) *Advances on fibre deliveries *Bridging facilities based on merit are available. *Investment account (Shareholder loan F) - a facility whereby an OVK shareholder can invest with OVK and earn interest at a prime rate minus 2. 5% per annum.
OVK Grain - Ladybrand Procurement
Ladybrand, South Africa
Ladybrand, South Africa
The Grain Department of OVK offers an all-inclusive service to grain-producers. Apart from the handling of grain OVK also provides clients with expert advice on grain-marketing. Services at the silos comprise of the following: - Grain-storage on behalf of producers, buyers and storage customers; - Drying of wet grain; - Screening and cleaning grain of poisonous seeds and inferior kernels; - Sagging of grain; - Compliance with food security standards
OVK Purchases - Tyres
Ladybrand, South Africa
Ladybrand, South Africa
OVK operates three tyre service centres at Ficksburg, Ladybrand and Hopetown. These tyre centres all employ expert and motivated personnel to whom the needs of their clients are paramount. Some of the trade-branches also have the basic means to repair tyres at their disposal and can even supply afterhours support in cases of urgent need.