Petals Garden & Landscaping
12 Steenbras Street
South Africa
South Africa
12 Steenbras Street, Hermanus, South Africa
Garden maintenance. Landscaping. Irrigation
Category: Garden & Lawn Mowing Services, Landscaping
Hermanus, Overberg District, Western Cape, South Africa
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Cape Tree Services
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Barrydale, South Africa
Jean Crous has been operating as an arboriculturist for 37 years. First based in Cape Town, the move to the country in year 2000 enabled him to extend his experience and expertise further afield. His well trained team is led by his assistant, Melvin, who has been with Cape Tree Services for 19 years. Jean has always opted to save a tree rather than fell it. Advice is freely given, and services offered are: Shaping, Trimming, Thinning, Surgery, Spraying, Planting / Transplanting, Felling, Stump grinding. Visits and collaboration with botanic gardens, Kew Royal Botanic Garden for instance, has confirmed that techniques used by Cape Tree Services is on par with international standards. Hildegard Crous a horticulturist with years of experience is also part of the team to help with advice regarding garden design and plant choice and plant care.