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Oranjeville, South Africa
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Sasolburg, South Africa
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Heatherdale Diakonale Dienste
Bloemfontein, South Africa
Bloemfontein, South Africa
Welfare organization
President Kruger Kinderhuis
Reddersburg, South Africa
Reddersburg, South Africa
Die missie van die President Kruger Kinderhuis Pretoria is om kinders tot hul volle potensiel te let ontwikkel deur 'n hoë standerd van Fisiese, Geestelike, Emosionele, Opvoedkundige, Terapeutiese en Skolastiese versorging te bied.
Meals On Wheels Community Services South Africa
Bloemfontein, South Africa
Bloemfontein, South Africa
Meals on Wheels Community Services South Africa is a registered NON PROFIT Organization that cares for Communities who are in need through a basket of services which include but is not limited to a plate of food, medical services, services centers for the aged etc. Our vision is a "Hunger Free South Africa. " Our mission is to 'Transform Lives Through Charity In Motion. "
Vrystaat-Versorging In Aksie | Free State Care In Action
Bloemfontein, South Africa
Bloemfontein, South Africa
Bejerdesorg, older person care, Ouetehuis, old age home, Bejerde Versorging, Aftreeoord, Bemagtig, Bemagtiging, empower, Kindersorg, child care, Gesinsorg, family care, kinder- en Gesinsorg, child and family care, development, Ontwikkeling, OUER Ontwikkeling, parent development, Metskaplike Diens, welfare service, social service, social care, Vrystet, Free State, Vrystet Versorging, Free State care, parent support, OUER Ondersteuning, elderly care, social worker, Metskaplike Werker, volunteers, Vrywilligers, Kosprojekte, food projects, Sopkombuis, soup kitchen, feeding projects, Voedingsporjekte, Skenings, gifts, economic empowerment, Ekonomiese Bemagtiging, OVV, Oranje Vroue Vereeniging, Uitreiking, outreach, woman, women, Vroue, Kinders, children, social relief, Sosiale Verligting, job creation, Werkskepping, care for the aged, SORG VIR Bejerdes, Donasies, donations, Projekte, Pojek, projects, project, poverty relief, development and empowerment projects, Bejerde Klubs, Gemee