Vredenburg Community Corrections Office

10 Riebeeck Street
South Africa

(022) 713-3024  /   (022) 713-3025

10 Riebeeck Street, Vredenburg, South Africa
This office was opened on 1 September 1996 to serve the West Coast Area, which was previously served by Malmesbury. Close bonds have been forged with the community and other role players from the start as the component has to be self sufficient and dynamic in its approach to reaching its mandate and objectives, as it is about 105km from the nearest centre. Visiting Hours: Monday to Friday from 08h00-16h00



Vredenburg, West Coast District, Western Cape, South Africa

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History of Community Corrections Office: With the inception of community corrections in the early 90’s, the office was accommodated at Voorberg Medium A Centre. The office was under the control of the Head of the centre with 1 member, Mr. WP Engelbrecht, as the only official. As time goes by, Mrs. Jorden headed the office with 3 staff members. Since 1996, the current head of the office. Mr. HF Grant, was appointed, and the staff was increased to 9 members including a social worker. In 1998 the office moved to town. The ski cabin was utilized as a community corrections office, at the premises of the SAPS, Porterville. In August 2002, rental was acquired in Market Street (in town) and is still operating at the mentioned location. Achievements : Three (3) years in a row best Comcor office in management area (2005 – 2007) Best Comcor office in province (2003) Service area : Porterville, Piketberg, Citrusdal, Eendekuil, Redelinghuys, Eland’s Bay, Goedverwacht and Wittewater.
Voorberg Medium B Correctional Centre
Porterville, South Africa
Voorberg Medium B Centre is situated more or less 10 km outside a town named Porterville in the Western Cape. Voorberg Medium B Correctional Centre opened officially on 22 October 1996. The purpose was to assist with the burden of overcrowding experienced at other centres in the Western Cape. The medium B correctional facility caters for male offenders. The centre is managed on the principle of unit management and is structurally divided into 4 units for between 360-400 offenders. The centre is managed with an integrated security system that includes a turn style system supported by a swipe card and biometric fingerprint reading system.
Cape Town Community Corrections was officially opened on 1st April 1992. It was then the only second Community Corrections office in the country, the first being in Pretoria. Initially there were only fourteen members including the head Mr. Lourens JG. In its sixteen years of existence, there have been five Heads and two acting Heads. In the beginning, all the administration was done by hand. Computers were only installed during December 1992. Out of this office, three other offices were established namely Stellenbosch, Mithchells Plain and Bellville. This is an indication of the vast area previously serviced by this one office. The first probationer to be admitted, Fatiema Soeker, still visits on a regular basis and has fond memories of the time she spent under correctional supervision.
Drakenstein Medium B Youth Centre
Wellington, South Africa
Drakenstein Medium B, Youth Centre is situated on the R44 midway between the towns of Perl and Franschhoek in the Western Cape. The Youth Centre was officially opened during 1998 after the Department of Public Works had revamped the old tin structure. The Youth Centre is one of four correctional centres in the Management Area of which was opened on 01 October 1963, then known as Victor Verster Prison. It is currently the only correctional centre for juvenile offenders within the Western Cape Region that accommodates both maximum category and medium category offenders. The centre can accommodate 690 offenders and is structurally divided in four medium units and two maximum units. The centre, as well as the entire management area caters for male offenders only. The centre is managed with an integrated security system that includes a turn style system supported by a swipe card and biometric fingerprint reading system. Drakenstein Youth Centre had opened a sports academy within it
The Bellville Social Reintegration Office (COMCOR), was opened and functional as from December 1997. The official opening was done by the Minister of Correctional Services at the time, Dr. S. E. Mzimela on 27 March 1998. Initially, Cape Town Community Corrections was the only office rendering community services to parolees and probationers in both the Tygerberg and metropolis, the opening of Bellville Social Reintegration Office was aimed at taking services nearer to the broader community. Currently this office is situated in the Fintrust Building on the third floor as from December 2006. Bellville Social Reintegration Office is the only SRI office that has the Presidents Awards Project running in the Western Cape Region. The Presidents Awards Project in general is only running within Correctional Centres. Bellville Social Reintegration services 15 regions.
Warmbokveld Community Corrections was established on 1 April 1992 as a small office at the Warmbokveld center with two members in Ceres (Western Cape), since the first admittance in 1992 the office grew by leaps and bounds, relentlessly driven by our vision to be the best in our field of Community Corrections, thus ensuring the successful reintegration of offenders into their communities. We are currently functioning with seven members on our post establishment. We have one social worker who is responsible for the rendering of social programmes to the probationers and parolees in the system.