Salvation Army

South Africa

(031) 309-5300

Greyville, Durban, South Africa
When fiery Methodist evangelist William Booth decided in 1865 that he could no longer preach the Christian Gospel to the poor and wretched of England unless he also put food into their stomachs, he probably did not imagine that the movement he started would grow into a worldwide organisation. Today, nearly 150 years later, The ...



Durban, eThekwini Municipality, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa

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When fiery Methodist evangelist William Booth decided in 1865 that he could no longer preach the Christian Gospel to the poor and wretched of England unless he also put food into their stomachs, he probably did not imagine that the movement he started would grow into a worldwide organisation. Today, nearly 150 years later, The ...
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